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Initially, DPH and the Delaware Public Health Medical Ethics Advisory Group (Ethics Group) reviewed the CDC list of prioritized population groups to determine allocation and distribution of vaccine(s). The Ethics Group recommendations were made based on which groups are most at risk due to how the virus is transmitted (close contact, indoor facilities), the severity rate of the virus in the community, and based on the prioritized population groups. Delaware’s vaccination program is fully open. That means all Delawareans 12+ are eligible for the vaccine.
The State has worked with pharmacies throughout Delaware, and specifically in underserved areas, to ensure there is access in every community. The State also works closely with partners to ensure we are ‘meeting people where they are’ – at trusted community centers, in apartment buildings, religious institutions, and more.
Additionally, both Delaware’s COVID Vaccine Task Force and the Communications subcommittee include representation from organizations representing communities of color and incorporate their feedback into weekly vaccine distribution planning.