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Porter Creek Instruments

Product Supplies:

Medical Equipment, Medical Supplies, Mopec Emergency Response for the morgue. MERC SYSTEM: DIRECT CONTACT BODY COOLING WITHOUT A REFRIGERATOR for decedents. This is your best solution for long term planning of surge capacity in morgues. We have some in stock shipping within a few weeks and more being produced. MRS SAFE SEAL SYSTEM: SAFER AND STRONGER THAN A BODY BAG Body bags. Manufacturing 1000's a week Racks and trays for morgue storage. Refrigerated morgue trailers. Manufacturing 1000's a month MaxAir CAPR for Pathology, Autopsy, Mortuary, Medical Examiner/Coroner and Anatomy Lab - long lead time, these sold out fast.

About this Business

Duns Number: 26653504

Business License Number: 522327419

Medical Supplies Quantity: Mopec Emergency Response for the morgue. MERC SYSTEM: DIRECT CONTACT BODY COOLING WITHOUT A REFRIGERATOR for decedents. This is your best solution for long term planning of surge capacity in morgues. We have some in stock shipping within a few weeks and more being produced. MRS SAFE SEAL SYSTEM: SAFER AND STRONGER THAN A BODY BAG Body bags. Manufacturing 1000's a week Racks and trays for morgue storage. Refrigerated morgue trailers. Manufacturing 1000's a month MaxAir CAPR for Pathology, Autopsy, Mortuary, Medical Examiner/Coroner and Anatomy Lab - long lead time, these sold out fast.

Delivery Time: more than 72 hours

Delivery Time Over 72 Hours: racks, trays within 2 weeks. Body Bags in as little as as week. Lead times vary on other equipment.

Medical Vendor: Yes

Primary Contact Information

Contact Name: Sean Roark

Phone: 301-922-1464




4157 Mountain Rd, Suite 203
Pasadena, MD

Disclaimer: The State of Delaware has not vetted this information. The data on this page is self-reported information provided by the suppliers and has not been independently verified. The information provided does not represent an endorsement of any kind by the State of Delaware of those businesses, products, or services listed in the directory. Please conduct appropriate due diligence to verify the information on this site prior to contracting for products or services.

Be Aware of Price Gouging
Under the Delaware State of Emergency Declaration, companies and vendors are prohibited from charging a price for consumer goods that exceeds 10% of the average price that those goods were sold preceding the date of the emergency declaration – March 12, 2020. Learn more on the Delaware Attorney General’s website and stay alert.