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Supply Line International Medical LLC

Product Supplies:

Medical Equipment, Medical Supplies, Gloves, N95 Mask, Respirators, Goggles Glasses, Gowns, Hair Covers, At SLI (Supply Line International) we mirrored our approach from the Automotive space to the Medical space. We have multiple distribution facilities located in Michigan and Florida. We have a solid 10 year track record & are on track to realize over $100M in revenue this year. With that being said, in our company we have a saying “People before Profit??. We try our best to set that example through our actions. For example: Our leadership team is on the Board of the Kids Kicking Cancer foundation, as well as the Pediatric IBD Foundation, just to name a few. Since this pandemic we have noticed a large amount of new groups in the medical space taking advantage of the need for PPE. We have done our best to combat this through donations of medical supplies to hospital systems, In addition to keeping our pricing as stable as possible (inline with our pre pandemic prices). We look at our clients as a lifelong relationships as opposed to the disgusting practices we are witnessing with other providers taking advantage of the need in such a stressful time. We have a strong supply chain system in place to cater for much of your PPE requirements. We can supply 7 figure weekly volumes of gowns, masks.Our hand sanitiser is of extremely high quality with a 80% alcohol vol All items are new & sealed. Distribute to: 1.Medical space distribution A. Large Physician groups B. Hospital systems C. Assisted living Groups D. Government entities i.e.. Local, State and Federal, ect. E. Universities

About this Business

Duns Number: 79241502

SAM Number: NA

Business License Number: NA

Medical Supplies Quantity: At SLI (Supply Line International) we mirrored our approach from the Automotive space to the Medical space. We have multiple distribution facilities located in Michigan and Florida. We have a solid 10 year track record & are on track to realize over $100M in revenue this year. With that being said, in our company we have a saying “People before Profit??. We try our best to set that example through our actions. For example: Our leadership team is on the Board of the Kids Kicking Cancer foundation, as well as the Pediatric IBD Foundation, just to name a few. Since this pandemic we have noticed a large amount of new groups in the medical space taking advantage of the need for PPE. We have done our best to combat this through donations of medical supplies to hospital systems, In addition to keeping our pricing as stable as possible (inline with our pre pandemic prices). We look at our clients as a lifelong relationships as opposed to the disgusting practices we are witnessing with other providers taking advantage of the need in such a stressful time. We have a strong supply chain system in place to cater for much of your PPE requirements. We can supply 7 figure weekly volumes of gowns, masks.Our hand sanitiser is of extremely high quality with a 80% alcohol vol All items are new & sealed. Distribute to: 1.Medical space distribution A. Large Physician groups B. Hospital systems C. Assisted living Groups D. Government entities i.e.. Local, State and Federal, ect. E. Universities

Delivery Time: 24 hours or less

Medical Vendor: Yes

Medical Supplier: Yes

Medical Warehouse: Yes

Primary Contact Information

Contact Name: Zachary Boorstein

Phone: 248-752-1939




42350 Grand River Ave, Novi, MI 48375
Novi, MI

Disclaimer: The State of Delaware has not vetted this information. The data on this page is self-reported information provided by the suppliers and has not been independently verified. The information provided does not represent an endorsement of any kind by the State of Delaware of those businesses, products, or services listed in the directory. Please conduct appropriate due diligence to verify the information on this site prior to contracting for products or services.

Be Aware of Price Gouging
Under the Delaware State of Emergency Declaration, companies and vendors are prohibited from charging a price for consumer goods that exceeds 10% of the average price that those goods were sold preceding the date of the emergency declaration – March 12, 2020. Learn more on the Delaware Attorney General’s website and stay alert.