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Serta Simmons Bedding

Product Supplies:

Medical Equipment, Medical Supplies, Homemade Mask, Serta Simmons Bedding is the largest mattress manufacturer in the United States. We have changed what we normally produce in our factories which is mainly consumer mattresses to focusing on relief beds for hospitals where there is a shortage, but now we also have the ability in our factories to offer face masks and pillows. We can produce large quantities of the face masks, beds, and pillows. Whatever is most needed. Face Mask Product Specifications-100% cotton fabric Polyester elastic bands Non-surgical, non-sterile Washable up to 15 washes Universal sizing (4.5?? x 8??) Great for personal use (non-medical applications), including as a cloth face covering in public settings per CDC recommendation $4/ mask: ($.27/use). Offered in packets of 10, in boxes of 500. Pillow Product Specifications - they are packs of 10 per case with 240 cases to fill half a truck, 2400 pieces is the minimum order for these due to the shipping costs. “One and Done?? Disposable Standard Pillow ($6.00 per pillow including shipping = $14,400 minimum order) Treated Antimicrobial Standard Pillow ($7.25 per pillow including shipping = $17,400 minimum order) Relief Bed and Frame Product Specifications-Were sent into another form. We can still produce and make these as well.

About this Business

Duns Number: 96-187-8662

SAM Number: In GOV Review

Business License Number: 2010117645

Medical Supplies Quantity: Serta Simmons Bedding is the largest mattress manufacturer in the United States. We have changed what we normally produce in our factories which is mainly consumer mattresses to focusing on relief beds for hospitals where there is a shortage, but now we also have the ability in our factories to offer face masks and pillows. We can produce large quantities of the face masks, beds, and pillows. Whatever is most needed. Face Mask Product Specifications-100% cotton fabric Polyester elastic bands Non-surgical, non-sterile Washable up to 15 washes Universal sizing (4.5?? x 8??) Great for personal use (non-medical applications), including as a cloth face covering in public settings per CDC recommendation $4/ mask: ($.27/use). Offered in packets of 10, in boxes of 500. Pillow Product Specifications - they are packs of 10 per case with 240 cases to fill half a truck, 2400 pieces is the minimum order for these due to the shipping costs. “One and Done?? Disposable Standard Pillow ($6.00 per pillow including shipping = $14,400 minimum order) Treated Antimicrobial Standard Pillow ($7.25 per pillow including shipping = $17,400 minimum order) Relief Bed and Frame Product Specifications-Were sent into another form. We can still produce and make these as well.

Delivery Time: more than 72 hours

Delivery Time Over 72 Hours: 2 weeks

Medical Vendor: Yes

Primary Contact Information

Contact Name: Jacki Marano

Phone: 617-828-3131




2451 Industry Ave
Doraville, GA

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Be Aware of Price Gouging
Under the Delaware State of Emergency Declaration, companies and vendors are prohibited from charging a price for consumer goods that exceeds 10% of the average price that those goods were sold preceding the date of the emergency declaration – March 12, 2020. Learn more on the Delaware Attorney General’s website and stay alert.