Coronavirus Supplies Search

Applied Filters:

Supplies: Surgical Masks 

To view the full list of suppliers, see the full dataset on the Open Data Portal.

Disclaimer: The State of Delaware has not vetted this information. The data on this page is self-reported information provided by the suppliers and has not been independently verified. The information provided does not represent an endorsement of any kind by the State of Delaware of those businesses, products, or services listed in the directory. Please conduct appropriate due diligence to verify the information on this site prior to contracting for products or services.

Be Aware of Price Gouging
Under the Delaware State of Emergency Declaration, companies and vendors are prohibited from charging a price for consumer goods that exceeds 10% of the average price that those goods were sold preceding the date of the emergency declaration – March 12, 2020. Learn more on the Delaware Attorney General’s website and stay alert.

109 Total Results

GSS Offers

Appointed Worldwide Holdings

GSS Offers

Factory Direct Health

GSS Offers

Jim Dickinson

GSS Offers

Factory Direct Health

GSS Offers

Folkem Global Solutions

GSS Offers

Stingray Graphics

GSS Offers

9620 Research

GSS Offers

Surplus Medical 911

GSS Offers

Metallurgical Supplies a Metallography World Corporation

GSS Offers

Berkshire Inc.

GSS Offers

Agilo Gmbh

GSS Offers

Avon Parts