Find out when a DPH Mobile Health Unit will be in your area. More Info
COVID coordinators/lead school nurse or school/district administrators can contact Susan Haberstroh at, charter schools can contact Kendall Massett at, and private/parochial schools can contact Dana Carr at to initiate. DDOE has also developed to assist districts, charters, private and parochial schools with implementation.
DPH will provide the test materials, which may include an analyzer (for BD Veritor test) or test cards (for Abbott BinaxNOW). As of December 2020, DPH has sufficient supplies for antigen testing until at least through the 2020-2021 school year. DPH will work with schools to determine the best approach, supplies and equipment that might be needed, facilitate scheduling, and address any outstanding questions.
For the first two weeks of the testing, DPH will serve as the ordering physician.