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The two general types of COVID-19 tests include an “active infection” test (PCR tests and antigen tests) to look for presence of the virus that causes COVID-19, or an “immune response” test (an antibody test) to look for evidence of previous infection.
PCR and antigen tests may use a deep nasal swab, a shallow nasal swab that swabs only at the front of the nostrils, or a throat swab. There are also PCR tests such as the LabCorp pixel test that can be performed by yourself at home. For many people, including those without health insurance, the test may come with no upfront cost. The test is a painless swab of the front of the nose that is mailed to LabCorp, and results are received electronically. More information is available here:
Antibody tests can be performed with a finger stick or via a tube of blood drawn by a qualified healthcare provider. Antibody tests for COVID-19 are available through healthcare providers and laboratories. Check with your healthcare provider to see if they offer antibody tests and whether you should get one.