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BMarko Structures

Product Supplies:

Medical Equipment, Medical Supplies, BMarko Structures is a Modular Construction Company based in Atlanta, GA specializing in constructing Covid-19 focused Temporary or Permanent Patient Care Facilities for either Federal or State Emergency Management Agencies. Additionally, BMarko Structures is a Full-Service Modular Design/Build Provider of Federal or State funded Healthcare, Laboratory, Educational and Relief Housing projects. We’d love the opportunity to work with you on the military hospital pods or any projects that you may have in the near future. We have been 100% on time since our inception and can beat anyone's lead time in the industry. We designed, constructed, and delivered the keys to 2 hospitals, 48 patient rooms, in 4 weeks from contract award. Each hospital consisted of 21 modules. The contract was awarded by the Georgia Emergency Management Agency. Both hospitals are now open for use at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany, GA and Navicent Hospital in Macon, GA. After touring our facility at Phoebe Putney, Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp said, “One of the best decisions we made early on were these mobile hospital sites. It really is impressive how well built they are and how quick they got stood up — medically ready with oxygen and everything else.?? And a project picture gallery:

About this Business

Duns Number: 63827238

Medical Supplies Quantity: BMarko Structures is a Modular Construction Company based in Atlanta, GA specializing in constructing Covid-19 focused Temporary or Permanent Patient Care Facilities for either Federal or State Emergency Management Agencies. Additionally, BMarko Structures is a Full-Service Modular Design/Build Provider of Federal or State funded Healthcare, Laboratory, Educational and Relief Housing projects. We’d love the opportunity to work with you on the military hospital pods or any projects that you may have in the near future. We have been 100% on time since our inception and can beat anyone's lead time in the industry. We designed, constructed, and delivered the keys to 2 hospitals, 48 patient rooms, in 4 weeks from contract award. Each hospital consisted of 21 modules. The contract was awarded by the Georgia Emergency Management Agency. Both hospitals are now open for use at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany, GA and Navicent Hospital in Macon, GA. After touring our facility at Phoebe Putney, Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp said, “One of the best decisions we made early on were these mobile hospital sites. It really is impressive how well built they are and how quick they got stood up — medically ready with oxygen and everything else.?? And a project picture gallery:

Delivery Time: more than 72 hours

Delivery Time Over 72 Hours: With our current set up we can complete 4 hospital rooms (1 hospital room = 1 unit) per business day in our facility. That works out to 20 units in week 1, 40 in week 2, 60 after week 3, and 80 after 4 weeks.

Medical Vendor: Yes

Medical Supplier: Yes

Use Third Party Vendors?: Yes

Primary Contact Information

Contact Name: Antony Kountouris

Phone: 678-666-3688




535 Hurricane Shoals Ct Suite 200
Dacula, GA

Disclaimer: The State of Delaware has not vetted this information. The data on this page is self-reported information provided by the suppliers and has not been independently verified. The information provided does not represent an endorsement of any kind by the State of Delaware of those businesses, products, or services listed in the directory. Please conduct appropriate due diligence to verify the information on this site prior to contracting for products or services.

Be Aware of Price Gouging
Under the Delaware State of Emergency Declaration, companies and vendors are prohibited from charging a price for consumer goods that exceeds 10% of the average price that those goods were sold preceding the date of the emergency declaration – March 12, 2020. Learn more on the Delaware Attorney General’s website and stay alert.