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AIIM Medical

Product Supplies:

Medical Equipment, Medical Supplies, N95 Mask, Respirators, Gowns, We currently have significant quantities of all products available for immediate shipment. Our manufacturing sites can produce and additional 2+ million masks, gowns and coverings per week. We can satisfy your needs today and on an ongoing basis. Products will come factory- sealed and most orders are fulfilled and delivered within 14 days. Bulk orders ship directly from our manufacturing sites directly to the end user. If the products are needed sooner, we would explore an expedited delivery; however, this would incur additional charges which would have to be paid by you. The products are as followed: N95 Face masks, KN95 Face masks, Surgical face masks, Face shields, Protective coverings, Surgical gowns, Full body coverings, Respirator suits, Ventilators from Phillips, Draeger and Hanson, PCR kits for COVID19 testing.

About this Business

Duns Number: 117505270

Business License Number: 83-4690851

Medical Supplies Quantity: We currently have significant quantities of all products available for immediate shipment. Our manufacturing sites can produce and additional 2+ million masks, gowns and coverings per week. We can satisfy your needs today and on an ongoing basis. Products will come factory- sealed and most orders are fulfilled and delivered within 14 days. Bulk orders ship directly from our manufacturing sites directly to the end user. If the products are needed sooner, we would explore an expedited delivery; however, this would incur additional charges which would have to be paid by you. The products are as followed: N95 Face masks, KN95 Face masks, Surgical face masks, Face shields, Protective coverings, Surgical gowns, Full body coverings, Respirator suits, Ventilators from Phillips, Draeger and Hanson, PCR kits for COVID19 testing.

Delivery Time: more than 72 hours

Delivery Time Over 72 Hours: Bulk Orders are typically delivered within 14 days with no shipping fees. However, orders can be expedited with additional fees.d

Medical Vendor: Yes

Use Third Party Vendors?: Yes

Primary Contact Information

Contact Name: Kiele Anderson

Phone: 214-548-3576



1919 Kings Pass
Heath, TX

Disclaimer: The State of Delaware has not vetted this information. The data on this page is self-reported information provided by the suppliers and has not been independently verified. The information provided does not represent an endorsement of any kind by the State of Delaware of those businesses, products, or services listed in the directory. Please conduct appropriate due diligence to verify the information on this site prior to contracting for products or services.

Be Aware of Price Gouging
Under the Delaware State of Emergency Declaration, companies and vendors are prohibited from charging a price for consumer goods that exceeds 10% of the average price that those goods were sold preceding the date of the emergency declaration – March 12, 2020. Learn more on the Delaware Attorney General’s website and stay alert.