Delaware has adopted CDC Guidance.
The COVID-19 State of Emergency was lifted on July 13, 2021. Governor Carney issued a Public Health Emergency to keep Delaware’s COVID-19 vaccination and testing programs operational. Delawareans and businesses are encouraged to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance.
Businesses, schools, health care facilities, and other organizations may have their own restrictions.
Recommendations for K-12 Education
The State of Delaware recommends that school districts, charters, and private schools follow CDC guidance on preventive measures. Decisions will be made at the school and district level. Please check with your school on prevention strategies.
CDC K-12 GuidanceRecommendations for Child Care
The State of Delaware recommends that child care facilities follow CDC guidance on preventive measures.
Please check with your child care provider on prevention strategies for students.
CDC Child Care Guidance
Medical Provider Guidance
View the Division of Public Health’s guidance and requirements for medical providers.
Medical Provider Guidance
Long-Term Care Facilities
View Division of Public Health’s guidance and requirements for Delaware’s Long-term Care Facilities.
Long-Term Care FacilitiesTreatment for COVID-19
Learn about treatments
Stats on COVID-19
For more data on Delaware COVID-19 cases including demographic breakdowns, go to My Healthy Community