COVID-19 Vaccine Information for Persons With Disabilities or Access and Functional Needs
Individuals living with disabilities, or those who have Access and Functional Needs (AFN) face unique challenges in everyday life. But these challenges should not include access to lifesaving services during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as medical care or vaccines. The information below can help you, or someone you are supporting, get access to the accommodations they need.
Anyone who is deaf, hard of hearing, Deaf-Blind or speech disabled can contact DPH by dialing 7-1-1 first using specialized devices (i.e. TTY, TeleBraille, voice devices). The 7-1-1 service is free and to learn more about how it works, please visit
Accommodations at Public Health Clinics
The below listed accommodations are not all-inclusive. If you require an accommodation not listed here, email for more information. Please note that some of these services may not be immediately available. You are encouraged to call ahead before attending any Public Health clinic.
- Accommodations for persons with mobility impairments may include wheelchairs. Additionally, restroom facilities are wheelchair accessible.
- Accommodations in general include asking someone to support you in whatever way you need (reading something, guiding them, pushing a wheelchair).
The Vaccine Helped Amy Get Back to Work
“Our Family Had to Be Safe”
FAQs for Individuals With Disabilities and Access and Functional Needs
The below listed accommodations are not all-inclusive. If you require an accommodation not listed here, email for more information.
Where can individuals with disabilities go to get the vaccination? Who do I contact to schedule this?
Persons 5+ and older with an intellectual, developmental or physical disability should contact their physician or a hospital system (if you receive services there) first.
Going through a medical provider or hospital system is the best way for those with underlying health conditions to be vaccinated as your providers are very familiar with your conditions and often have the accommodations you need in place. Anyone 5+ can also be vaccinated at participating pharmacies. You are encouraged to check with a pharmacy directly to identify their accommodations.
How can I let someone know that I may require assistance or accommodations to find a vaccine, make an appointment, fill out forms and/or complete any part of the process to get the vaccine?
If going to a DPH standing vaccine site, email with requests regarding accommodations needed at the vaccination site. If you have a disability and need an accommodation for a vaccination appointment you have already made, you can also call the Aging and Disability Resource Center at 1-800-223-9074.
How can I access the vaccine if I do not drive/have transportation?
Eligible Delaware Medicaid clients in need of non-emergency transportation should contact Modivcare at 1-866-412-3778. You can also contact your case manager from your Managed Care Organization (Highmark or Amerihealth Caritas) for assistance with Modivcare transportation.
Hear some personal stories from those we have helped.
Emmanuel: Vaccine Reduces Vulnerability
Benjamin: “Instrument of Liberation”
Melissa & Ryan: Doing Everything to Protect Him

If you know someone who is living with a disability, or has a loved one who is, download and share this flyer to let them know about the resources available.
Download Flyer

If you know someone who is living with a disability, or has a loved one who is, download and share this flyer to let them know about the resources available.
Download Poster
- Delaware Large Print Vaccine Information documents
- DHSS COVID Vaccine Checklist for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
If you are unable to print this card at home, you may fill it out on your phone at the vaccination site - Social Story – Getting a COVID Vaccine
- COVID-19 Plain language resources
- CDC COVID-19 ASL videos
- COVID-19 Accessible Resources – including braille, accessible word documents and PDFs, simplified text, etc.).
- COVID-19 Resources for People With Disabilities (American Association on health and Disability – AAHD)
- National Association of the Deaf Resources about COVID-19
- CDC Vaccine Considerations for Persons with Disabilities
- ASTHO Video: Why I Got the Vaccine
Report Vaccination Violations
Submit complaints about a vaccination provider by using this form, if you think they are violating any of these requirements.
Stats on COVID-19
For more data on Delaware COVID-19 cases including demographic breakdowns, go to My Healthy Community